Thyroid hormone receptors, 710
Thyroid hormone synthesis, 770
Thyroid receptor, 603
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin
(TSI), 772
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
(Thyrotropin), 744, 745, 772
Thyrotropin, 702
Thyrotropin releasing hormone TRH, 23,
216, 730, 731,
Thyroxine, 282
Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), 774
Thyroxine-binding prealbumin
(TBPA), 774
Tissue factor, 843, 856
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), 856
Tissue injury, 954
Tissue repair, 178
Tissue respiration, 283
fetal, 235
neonatal, 235
Titin, 458
Titration profile
aspartic acid, 30
basic and acidic amino acids, 31
glycine, 27
histidine, 28
lysine, 29
Titration profile of acetic acid, 5
TMP (thiamine monophosphate), 914
TNFa, 835
TNF/S lymphotoxin, 835
Tn T, 463
Tn T,, 463
Tn T2, 463
a-tocopherol, 912
Tophi, 630
Topoisomerase, 527, 546, 553
Topoisomerase I inhibitors, 553
Touch receptors in nipple, 725
Toxemia of pregnancy, 952
Toxic adenoma, 778
Toxic multinodular goiter, 778
Trace elements, 873, 892
essential, 894
nonessential, 891
Transaminases, 337
Transamination, 337
Transcalciferin, 880
Transcobalamin I, 920
Transcobalamin II (TCM), 187, 921
Transcobalamin III, 920
Transcription, 563, 586
in eukaryotes, 568, 571
Transcription by methylation
regulation of, 604
Transcription factor PU-1,889
Transcription factor TFIID, 601
Transcription factors, 601, 611, 612
Transcription in prokaryotes, 566
Transcription signals, 659
Transfer RNA (tRNA), 563, 564
Transfer RNA (tRNA) mutations, 269
8 6
Transferrin, 187, 333
Transferrin receptor mRNA
proteins, 680
Transforming growth factor
ß ,
Transhydrogenase, 264
Transition state, 106
Translation, 563, 586
Translational regulation, 608
Translocation, 576
Translocation and secretion of
procollagen, 589
Translocation of the ribosome, 577
Transmembrane cell-cell adhesion
molecule, 612
Transmembrane receptor, 612
Transmissible spongiform
encephalopathies (TSE), 63
Transplantation, 67
C r, 221
concentration gradient-dependent
facilitated, 225
Transport of cytoplasmic NADH to
mitochondria, 264
Transport of glutamate, 337
Transport of monosaccharides, 211
ATP-binding cassette, 220
multidrug resistance (mdr),
2 2 0
sulfonylurea receptor,
2 2 0
Transthyretin, 333, 774, 905
Transthyretin (prealbumin), 63
structure of, 63
Transthyretin (thyroxine-binding
prealbumin), 774
Transthyretin amyloidosis, 63
Trauma, 332
TRE, 603
Treatment of tuberculosis, 338
Trehalase, 211
Trehalose, 144, 209
a,a-Trehalose glucohydrolase
T repon em a p a llid u m ,
Tretinoin, 906
TRFI, 555
TRH, 714
Triacylglycerol, 202, 365, 429
absorbed disposition, 504
production carbohydrate, 505
medium-chain, 217
Triacylglycerol lipase, 122
Triadin, 465
Tricarboxylate carrier, 241
Tricarboxylic acid (TCA), 469
Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, 225, 235,
239, 241, 242, 247, 276, 278,469,471
regulation of, 245
Triglycerides, 82
Trilostane, 707
Trimethoprim, 617
Trimethylaminuria, 353
Trimethyllysine, 367
Triose-phosphate isomerase, 229
Triosephosphate isomerase
deficiency, 303
3,5,3'-Triiodothyronine (T
), 700
Tripeptidases, 215
Tripeptides, 215
1,4,5,-trisphosphate, 719
Triplet repeats, 560
Triplet repeats and fragile sites, 560
tRNA cloverleaf, 565
mutation, 270
tRNA,Me\ 577
TRNAmet, 267
Troglitazone, 515, 517
Trophoblast, 162
Tropical sprue, 922
Tropocollagen, 176, 585
molecule, dimensions, 178
structure of, 176
Tropoelastin, 180
complex, 460
Tropomyosins, 458, 459, 460
Troponin C, 288
Troponin I, 234
Troponin T, 607
Troponins, 126, 459
cardiac I and T isoforms, 126
Troponins C, I, T (Tn C, Tn I, Tn T,
TrpR gene, 596
Tryosine kinase, 611
Trypsin, 45, 103, 106, 202,214
Trypsin-link activity, 182
Trypsinogen, 110, 202, 214
Trypsinogen isoenzmes, 127
Tryptophan, 20, 42, 214, 230, 279, 331,
333, 361,508
and hartnup disease, 216
load test, 361
Tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase, 273
Tryptophan (trp) operon, 595, 596
TSH, 701,714
TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), 508
TSH receptor, 772
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